I met my new friend Todd today. He’s 46 but blessed with the childlike wonder of a 6 yr old.
I met my new friend Todd today. He’s 46 but blessed with the childlike wonder of a 6 yr old. It was his first airplane ride to meet his brother…
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If you see this in your yard, do not break it under any circumstances!
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could find a superfood right in your own garden? Well, look no further than purslane! This humble plant, often dismissed as a common weed,…
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Nimble Nuns Take On Dance Challenge And Nail It!
Meet the Soli Sisters from Ontario Canada. When these sisters aren’t teaching the catholic faith or caring for the elderly, they’re taking on modern dance challenges just to help raise…
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Walmart Has Announced That They Are Replacing Self-Checkout Machines With Something Better!
Walmart Alters Course: Drops Self-Checkout Expansion Amidst Customer Concerns Shopping often takes longer due to struggles finding items and lengthy checkout lines. Many retailers, including Walmart, introduced self-checkout lanes to…
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What on Earth is this? Woman discovers creepy ‘snake’ with two heads in her garden!
In the quiet town of Santa Fe in Argentina, 46-year-old Lujan Eroles experienced a moment of shock and awe when she stumbled upon a peculiar creature in her garden. What…
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Waffle House Waitress Says She Felt ‘Sick To Her Stomach’ After Seeing Customer’s Tip On Receipt
A waitress at a Waffle House in Tennessee was surprised when a customer left her a $600 tip. Lauren Ball, a single mother preparing to go on vacation with her…
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77-year-old Goldie Hawn’s body caused mixed reactions
Goldie Hawn forgot how old she was and appeared in a bodysuit! Her noticeably aged appearance came as a disappointment for the fans! Believe it or not, Goldie Hawn is…
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Mom shares touching story of raising a daughter with Treacher Collins Syndrome
Mom shares touching story of raising a daughter with Treacher Collins Syndrome When Bella arrived a few weeks early on October 25, 2018, Eliza Bahneman and her husband’s lives took…
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Where Is ‘Designing Women’’s Delta Burke Now? Her Life Away from Fame with Man Who ’Never’ Judged Her
Where Is ‘Designing Women’’s Delta Burke Now? Her Life Away from Fame with Man Who ’Never’ Judged Her Delta Burke’s rise to fame thanks to her role in the popular…
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Woman Asks Internet To Guess Her Age, Is Shocked By The Replies
Woman Asks Internet To Guess Her Age, Is Shocked By The Replies At 36 years old, Emily was taken aback by the ‘wild’ guesses regarding her age, ranging from the…
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