Iditarod musher shoots “angry” moose to protect his dogs after mid-race confrontation
The annual Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race took a wild, drastic turn this year for one musher and his dogs, who faced off with an angry moose who critically injured…
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Police officer makes impressive tackle to catch runaway pig in viral video
When you’re a police officer, you never know what your day will be. Sometimes cops are called on for some pretty unusual situations. Like one Utah police officer, who was…
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Man spots moose near dumpster, discovers unexpected object in his mouth
Moose are majestic animals and belong in the wild. So when James West from Alaska spotted a young moose at the garbage station, he knew something was wrong. “It was…
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Shelter dog is always passed over because he looks “scary” — still looking for a home after 210 days
All shelter dogs only want love and a home to call their own, but too many are constantly passed over by adopters for no fault of their own. Like one…
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Is This a Picture from the Future? Mystery Man Claims It’s from 6000!
An intriguing tale of a man who says he has an image from the year 6000 is spreading like wildfire online. We delve deep into the narrative, the lively discussions…
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Dog who flunked police training for being “too friendly” becomes hero after earthquake
We love the good work that police dogs do, but not every dog has the right personality for the job. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t be heroes in their…
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Little dog doesn’t understand why statue won’t play fetch with him
Dogs are such active animals, and are always looking for a playmate — especially for a good game of fetch. But sometimes dogs end up disappointed when their fetch partner…
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Adorable Newborn Giraffe’s Quest With Neck for a Good Night’s Sleep
Embarking on a whimsical journey, we unveil the heartwarming tale of a baby giraffe at Tanganyika Wildlife Park in Kansas, who taught us all an invaluable lesson about the importance…
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Arnold Schwarzenegger shares sweet video of workout with his pet pig Schnelly
Arnold Schwarzenegger has been many things over his career: champion bodybuilder, top movie star, Governor of California. But these days, one of Arnie’s favorite things to do is spend time…
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CARETAKER SNUGGLES UP WITH RESCUED ELEPHANT TO HELP HIM FEEL SAFE According to the sanctuary, the woman named Lek has somewhat of a positive rapport with the elephant called Faamai…
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